Author: Aya4812
It´s still early moring here 7:30. Found a free PC in the lobby, it’s much easier here than writing on Handy xD
Yesterday I was early at the airport and thanks to Sabina waiting time flew by fast. Only half an hour before his plane was landing I found other eels. Then eels seemed to pop out of nowhere and suddenly we were 10. There were also a few Asian looking eels. The representative spoke with us and someone made a photo with us, but don’t know where the photo will be used.
When Sukkie came out of the Terminal he went really fast through the airport, to escape to the bus xD
He seemed really surprised that there are so many eels waiting for him. Though he seemed really tired he waved to us and smiled^^ He looked so cute He had the hood of the coat put over his head in the bus and hid his face between the front seast only to look at the us in the next second again.
When the bus departed, the korean representative said to us he will come again in 10 minutes, because other staff members had to enter too. The eels who stayed are the eels on Cherrys twitter photo.
When the bus came back we first couldn’t see Sukkie only Cherry, guess he lied down on the seats or something. After a while he showed his face, greeted us and smiled. We waited patiently, some made photos and then the door of the bus opend and Sukkie stood up and came to the door. He asked us how we knew his flight details^^ We asked him for autographs and he agreed. He sat down in the bus on the steps leading in.
I was lucky because I was near the door, he had not time to give everyone an autograph. When he began signing all eels came to the door and suddenly there was Gunsama standing beside me (I´m not so sure about his staff yet, but from your messages I conclude it was him) He said that now no photos allowed.
Then I gave him my Just Crazy CD. He looked surprised and while opening it and taking out the cover he asked where I get it from? I said from Internet and he meant then: wow, it’s a great world. After signing I said thank you in korean and let other eels to the front. By the way his skin looks really soft, kind of screaming to others: Come and touch me, poor guy xD
His English sounds pretty good. Truly world prince^^
Someone asked the representative who was waiting next to the bus door, how long he will stay in Berlin. She answered he will be in Berlin for four days, and Friday leaving. An other eels gave him a card from a restaurant in Berlin and asked him to come there. He said yes, why not. I’m not sure about the restauranr name, began with a M.
When the staff was in the bus (why were there so many?) he went back in and waved good bye to us. Then the bus departed.
It´s getting too much text for this PC^^ Hope you like it. I will never forget this day Thank you all for your support, without ECI this wouldn´t have been possible^^
Credit: tenshi_akuma (Japan) @ Jang Keun Suk Forever