Monday, May 28, 2012
[PHOTO] SPOILER: Love Rain Episode 20
Jang Geun Suk,
Jang Keun Suk,
Korean Drama,
Love Rain,
Love Rain Episode,
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love rain updates,
Love Rain Episode 19 Raw
Note: Please pause the background music before playing the video.
Jang Geun Suk,
Jang Keun Suk,
Korean Drama,
Love Rain,
Love Rain Episode,
love rain episode 19,
Love Rain Episode 19 Quick Summary
Ha Na and Yoon Hee came back to home. Ha Na worried too much, but Yoon Hee assured her that it’s okay. Ha Na ended up crying alone in a quite corner of the greenhouse. Joon called her and heard her crying voice. He got off his car and ran to find Ha Na.
He just hugged Ha Na and let her cry in his arms. “It’s’s okay,”whispered Joon.
In Ha checked to Dong Wook about Yoon Hee’s condition. Dong Wook said surgery might help but it’s gonna be difficult to prevent the blindness. The next day he came to pick up Yoon Hee to the hospital. In the waiting room in the hospital, Yoon Hee told In Ha her objection of In Ha’s care. ”Can’t I just stay by yourside as your friend?” asked In Ha. “No, you can’t,” said Yoon Hee. She’s still thinking the best thing for the children.
Ha Na visited Joon in his place. She told him that her mother went to the hospital with his father. “So should we just go on a date?” asked Joon. Ha Na agreed, but she had to wait until 2pm because Joon had a photo shoot. Ha Na killed time in that place by taking pictures and spending time with Seon Ho. She asked if she could do something for Seon Ho. He told her there’s one thing he wanted to ask from her, “Just stay by my side for along time…as a friend.”
Ha Na and Joon had a date. Joon asked her to stop calling him Seo Joon-ssi. “What else then?” asked Ha Na. “You can call me oppa or honey,” he said. Suddenly Joon’s mother called, asking him to come home. Joon responded her mother coldly. Then Ha Na’s mom called Ha Na and she scolded her right away.
Joon took the phone and talked to her mother to stop it. “You two come here otherwise I’m gonna go find you,” warned Hye Jeong. Ha Na told him to go, but Joon refused the idea. Then suddenly Ha Na called him, “Oppa.” She asked him to go to his mother’s house together.
They arrived at Hye Jeong’s house as an item. In Hye Jeong’s house there’re already Lee Dong Wook, Chang Mo and Mi Ho. Hye Jeong said the reason he’s calling Joon was because she wanted to discuss about Mi Ho and Joon’s marriage arrangement.
But the men understood Joon and Ha Na. They apologized and excused themselves. It made Hye Jeong more upset. She started to scold Ha Na and kept doing it despite Joon’s asking her to stop. Joon told Ha Na to just go first. Before she left, Ha Na gave Hye Jeong a flower.
Joon drove Ha Na home and they met In Ha in front of Ha Na’s house. “Are you doing well?” asked In Ha to his son awkwardly. Joon also asked the same question to his father, and then he excused himself. He spent the afternoon walking along the resort area together.
Later that night Joon had a conversation with his father. Joon kind of understood how his father’s feeling in this situation. He finally could give the empathy to his father’s feelings and dilemma. ”I’m sorry for the past, Father,” said Joon.
Tae Seong informed Ha Na that her mom was meeting Joon’s mom. And he was right. Hye Jeong told Yoon Hee about their children. “Did you meet Ha Na?” asked Yoon Hee. Hye Jeong asked Yoon Hee to talk to her daughter. Yoon Hee told Hye Jeong that the love tragedy among the three of them in the past shouldn’t be happening to the children. They, above other people, knew how bad the result of not being able to get the love of their lives. “You should understand this, because you are a mother,” said Yoon Hee to Hye Jeong.
Ha Na came to the table asked Hye Jeong why was she doing there with her mother. “My mother is sick,” she said. Hye Jeong scold Ha Na for being rude cutting the elders’ conversation, but eventually she left.
Tae Seong came to Joon, told him to let go of Ha Na. “Do you know what Ha Na has been going through because of you??” yelled Tae Seong.
Later that night Joon came to Ha Na’s house. He apologized for his mother. Yoon Hee said she understood Hye Jeong and it didn’t make her a bad person. Then she told Joon that she’s going for the surgery. She asked Joon to make Ha Na happy. ”I want you two to just think about your own happiness,” said Yoon Hee.
When they’re alone, Joon hugged Ha Na and whispered without voice “I love you.” Ha Na asked him what he was doing. Joon said he’s just whispering three syllables. Ha Na pretended not to know anything. Then Joon told her that he got something to tell her, but not at that moment.
Joon officially left his mother’s house the next day. He said he’s giving his mother some time alone. “It’s not because of Ha Na. It’s for you, for us,” he said. Joon went back to his place behind the studio. He remembered the memories he shared with Ha Na in that room.
Tae Seong came to visit Ha Na. He said he had been waiting for Ha Na all this time, but now he’s gonna stop doing that. Ha Na started her speech in return, “I liked you very much, that’s why I was happy. Thank you. But now I’m with Seo Joon. I love him.” “Okay,” Tae Seong accepted the bitter fact for the last time. “I get it.”
Mi Ho came to the studio place and asked Joon in front of everyone, “Are you really going to New York?” Joon said there’s a good photography studio he’s interested in there. Seon Ho instantly asked him about Ha Na. Of course he’s not taking her and apparently he was still keeping this info from Ha Na.
Seon Ho came to check on Yoon Hee’s condition, as a family friend and a doctor too. He also check on Ha Na’s condition and told her that he understood why Ha Na and Joon proceed their relationship despite Yoon Hee’s condition.
Joon came to visit his mother and had a conversation with her. He apologized to his mother and asked her to be good to Ha Na’s mother.
Ha Na found a note from her mother at home. Yoon Hee was leaving alone somewhere and would comeback the next day for the surgery. Ha Na called In Ha and he hurriedly looked for Yoon Hee. Then she called Joon. They figured out that Yoon Hee might go to her hometown.
Apparently, Yoon Hee visited her old university…to recall her sweet memories there, memories she shared mostly with Seo In Ha and the rest of the group: Hye Jeong, Dong Wook, Chang Mo. She even sat herself again on that memorable bench in front of In Ha’s old studio room. Right there In Ha came. “I knew you’d be here,” he said. They spent their nostalgic times together and In Ha informed Ha Na.
Joon finally told Ha Na that he’s going to New York. He asked her to wait for him. “I can’t let you go, but I want you to stay with your mother in her current condition.” “I understand why we can’t go together,” said Ha Na.”I heard what you’re saying that night. I love you.”
Spoiler for tomorrow’s episode everyone? Big smile?
Lee Seung Gi and Taec Yeon may publicly known as Yoona’s big fans, but JKS definitely gets the most (public) kiss 

credit: Korean Drama Choa
Jang Geun Suk,
Jang Keun Suk,
Love Rain,
Love Rain Episode,
Love Rain Episode 19 summary,
love rain updates,
[TWITTER UPDATE] 5/28/2012 TreeJ Twitter
힘든 여정을 끝낸 배우는 이렇게 또 웃는다. 또 하나의 필모를 쌓아가는 26살의 장근석! 다음엔 어떠한 모습을 보여줄지... 수고했습니다..! 사랑비 안녕~
곧 사랑비 19회 시작, 이제 정말 마지막 촬영. 막촬 스포 근짱~
Tanslation“Love Rain” episode 19 goes on air soon. Now it’s the last day of shooting.
Guen-chan is just shooting.
막촬 무사히 잘 끝났습니다 정성스레 준비한 선물을 스탭들에게 전달하고 한 명 한 명 포옹으로 인사하고 싸인에 사진촬영까지- 이런 사람이라 너무 자랑스럽습니다
사랑비 마지막촬영 잘 끝났습니다. 작년 가을부터 올해 봄까지… 서인하와 서준으로 행복했습니다. 긴 여정 무사촬영한 장배우와 함께해주신 장어분들께 감사드립니다^^ 더 좋은 모습으로 만나뵐게요! 사랑비 빠이!
Translation: Love Rain last shoot was done smoothly, from last winter to this spring, from In Ha to Seo Joon, all were happy time! Thanks for everyone's support to Actor Jang from the beginning till finish. In the future actor Jang will have more good roles to meet with you. Love Rain, Bye, awwwww. I'm emotional now.
잠시도 방심할 수 없다 막촬 와중에 잠시 들러 공연 회의 체크하신다 지독한 완벽주의자
Even for a moment he can’t feel complacent.
During takes he dropped by our meeting and checked plans of the coming tour.
He’s a true perfectionist!!
Even for a moment he can’t feel complacent.
During takes he dropped by our meeting and checked plans of the coming tour.
He’s a true perfectionist!!
translation credit: tenshi_akuma + Sarah Ye
credit: @codeinconnu, @minzzangde , Jang keun Suk Forever
JKS twitter,
Love Rain,
love rains udate,
tree J staff,
treeJ tweet,
twitter update
Jang Keun Suk “Just Crazy” message for Music Lounge [English Subbed]
Note: Please pause the background music before playing the video.
Credit: Jang Keun Suk Forever
English translation: tenshi_akuma
Jang Geun Suk,
Jang Keun Suk,
just crazy,
korean actor,
korean star,
[PHOTO] Love Rain Last Day of Filming BTS
Jang Geun Suk,
Jang Keun Suk,
Love Rain,
love rain bts,
Love Rain Episode,
love rain filming,
[TWITTER UPDATE] 5/27/2012 TreeJ Staff Twitter
@minzzangdeIn Japan “Love Rain” has just begun… In Korea “Love Rain” is almost over…
I remember the first shooting day… Beautiful In Ha… Even his hair is beautiful~
일본에선 사랑비 시작,,, 한국에선 사랑비 곧 안녕… 추억돋네 사랑비 첫 촬영날에 고운 인하 머리… 머리결도 곱다~
On the first shooting day of “Love Rain”, we left for Daegu at 5am…
When I arrived, In Ha had already started to prepare for shooting…
In Ha playing a guitar is beautiful~
사랑비 첫촬영날이라고, 새벽 5시에 출발해서 대구로 갔던,,, 도착하니 인하는 벌써 준비중… 기타치는 인하 곱다~
JKS is a person who inspires others on the set~
When he performs, he is In Ha. When he finishes to perform, he is Keun Suk.
I remember very beautiful In Ha blowing bubbles~
촬영장 분위기 메이커~ 연기할땐 인하, 연기가 끝나면 근석. 곱디 고운 인하가 비누방울 분다~ 추억돋네
credit: Jang Keun Suk Forever
I remember the first shooting day… Beautiful In Ha… Even his hair is beautiful~
일본에선 사랑비 시작,,, 한국에선 사랑비 곧 안녕… 추억돋네 사랑비 첫 촬영날에 고운 인하 머리… 머리결도 곱다~
When I arrived, In Ha had already started to prepare for shooting…
In Ha playing a guitar is beautiful~
사랑비 첫촬영날이라고, 새벽 5시에 출발해서 대구로 갔던,,, 도착하니 인하는 벌써 준비중… 기타치는 인하 곱다~
I remember In Ha playing a guitar.
I remember In Ha and Director Yoon discussed how to move on the first day.
In Ha remains etched into my memory~ Beautiful, really beautiful…
밑에 기타치는 인하, 추억돋네 첫날, 윤감독님과 동선 맞추는 인하, 추억돋네 충분히 기억에 남을 인하~ 곱다 곱다…
I remember In Ha and Director Yoon discussed how to move on the first day.
In Ha remains etched into my memory~ Beautiful, really beautiful…
밑에 기타치는 인하, 추억돋네 첫날, 윤감독님과 동선 맞추는 인하, 추억돋네 충분히 기억에 남을 인하~ 곱다 곱다…
JKS is a person who inspires others on the set~
When he performs, he is In Ha. When he finishes to perform, he is Keun Suk.
I remember very beautiful In Ha blowing bubbles~
촬영장 분위기 메이커~ 연기할땐 인하, 연기가 끝나면 근석. 곱디 고운 인하가 비누방울 분다~ 추억돋네
Keimyung University in Daegu.
When I stepped in, I felt we have no choice to shoot “Love Rain” there…
I remember the nostalgic art college building…
대구 계명대, 내려가보고 정말 이곳에서 찍을 수 밖에 없다라는 생각이 들던… 그리운 미대 건물일듯… 추억돋네
When I stepped in, I felt we have no choice to shoot “Love Rain” there…
I remember the nostalgic art college building…
대구 계명대, 내려가보고 정말 이곳에서 찍을 수 밖에 없다라는 생각이 들던… 그리운 미대 건물일듯… 추억돋네
@minzzangdeStaff blog, Crazy Suk! A gift was posted! More detail in the staff blog~!
스텝블로그 Crazy Suk! 선물 투하! 궁금한분들은 스텝블로그로~!
스텝블로그 Crazy Suk! 선물 투하! 궁금한분들은 스텝블로그로~!
Do you like the gift? kkk You can’t transform it!!!
@JKS_cri_j3 #JUSTCRAZY 선물 마음에 드시나요? ㅋㅋㅋ 변형은 불가!!!
@JKS_cri_j3 #JUSTCRAZY 선물 마음에 드시나요? ㅋㅋㅋ 변형은 불가!!!
@codeinconnu그런거지, 뭐.
Guen-chan’s new photo! Ufufu
근짱의 새 싸인지! 으흐흐
근짱의 새 싸인지! 으흐흐
credit: Jang Keun Suk Forever
Jang Geun Suk,
Jang Keun Suk,
JKS twitter,
treeJ tweet,
twitter update
[NEWS] Love Rain OST 2 track list
The second part of the Love Rain Original Sound Track will be released on May 31st. Here is the track list that has been revealed..
1. 그대니까요(노래: 나도균)
2. 첫 사랑(노래: 길구봉구 중 “길구”)
3. 속마음(노래: 방울악단)
4. 운명[바보처럼](노래: 서인국)
5. 비가오고 또 비가오면(노래: 길구봉주 중 “길구”)
6. 나는 지금(노래: 강승원)
7. 사랑비(String Ver.)
8. 사랑은 비처럼(String&Piano Ver.)
9. 자꾸자꾸(String Ver.)
10. “Song Of Rain”(String Ver.)
11. 사랑스러운 그대(Scat: 손빈나)
12. 자꾸자꾸(Guitar Ver.)
English translations of 12 tracks are below. (*new songs)
1. Because It’s You / Na DoKyun
2. First Love / “Bonggu” from Gilgu Bonggu *
3. My True Feelings/ Bellband *
4. Fate (Like A Fool) / Seo In Guk *
5. After Raining, It Rains Again / “Bonggu” from Gilgu Bonggu *
6. I’m Now / Kang Seung-Won *
7. Love Rain – String Ver.-
8. Love Is Like Rain – String & Piano Ver.-
9. Constantly – String Ver. -
10. Song Of Rain -String Ver.-
11. Loving You / (Scat) Son Binna *
12. Constantly – Guitar Ver. –
1. 그대니까요(노래: 나도균)
2. 첫 사랑(노래: 길구봉구 중 “길구”)
3. 속마음(노래: 방울악단)
4. 운명[바보처럼](노래: 서인국)
5. 비가오고 또 비가오면(노래: 길구봉주 중 “길구”)
6. 나는 지금(노래: 강승원)
7. 사랑비(String Ver.)
8. 사랑은 비처럼(String&Piano Ver.)
9. 자꾸자꾸(String Ver.)
10. “Song Of Rain”(String Ver.)
11. 사랑스러운 그대(Scat: 손빈나)
12. 자꾸자꾸(Guitar Ver.)
English translations of 12 tracks are below. (*new songs)
1. Because It’s You / Na DoKyun
2. First Love / “Bonggu” from Gilgu Bonggu *
3. My True Feelings/ Bellband *
4. Fate (Like A Fool) / Seo In Guk *
5. After Raining, It Rains Again / “Bonggu” from Gilgu Bonggu *
6. I’m Now / Kang Seung-Won *
7. Love Rain – String Ver.-
8. Love Is Like Rain – String & Piano Ver.-
9. Constantly – String Ver. -
10. Song Of Rain -String Ver.-
11. Loving You / (Scat) Son Binna *
12. Constantly – Guitar Ver. –
Fate (like a fool) / Seo In Guk from ep12
Credit: sigtkfkd, Butterfly7742
Source: JangKeunSukForever via
Twitter trending of #JUSTCRAZY to commemorate JKS debut album release
Hello Eels!! We had a awesome summer with Love Rain and now the summer is gonna get even more better with the release of Jang Keun Suk’s debut Japanese album Just Crazy.
Cri J, Sukkie’s official fan club, has asked Eels all over the world to join hands for a Twitter trending event on May 29th.
JKS_cri_j3: All eels! Let’s cheer up JKS acting without rest. Plz, tweet some cheering messages with #JUSTCRAZY as soon as the last episode of Love Rain is over on Tuesday, May 29th. You can use this “JUST CRAZY” logo and chained Crazy Suk ^^
Eels can attempt to reach TTWW (Trending topic world wide), which will be a precious gift to Suk on his debut album release. But due to tweeting in excess, your account can exceed the limit set by Twitter. Your account will be on hold for some hours. If you want to continue tweeting, one can create multiple accounts to help reach TTWW.
Let us show our support for Suk on May 29th at 11 PM Korean Standard time!!
May 29 is also the broadcast date of Love Rain’s last episode. So, this event is a double effort to congratulate Sukkie on successfully completing Love Rain after months of hard work and wishing the very best for his debut album.
Cri J, Sukkie’s official fan club, has asked Eels all over the world to join hands for a Twitter trending event on May 29th.
What must we Eels do?
- Join Twitter. Sukkie’s official account is AsiaPrince_JKS. You can follow it.
- On May 29th at 11 pm Korean Standard time, start sending short messages (preferably encouraging) to AsiaPrince_JKS along with the word #JustCrazy.
Eels can attempt to reach TTWW (Trending topic world wide), which will be a precious gift to Suk on his debut album release. But due to tweeting in excess, your account can exceed the limit set by Twitter. Your account will be on hold for some hours. If you want to continue tweeting, one can create multiple accounts to help reach TTWW.
Let us show our support for Suk on May 29th at 11 PM Korean Standard time!!
May 29 is also the broadcast date of Love Rain’s last episode. So, this event is a double effort to congratulate Sukkie on successfully completing Love Rain after months of hard work and wishing the very best for his debut album.
Check here for trending time table for all countries!!!
Asia Prince and his worldwide Eels, FIGHTING!!
Translation Credit: JangKeunSukForever
Jang Geun Suk,
Jang Keun Suk,
JKS twitter,
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