Wednesday, May 2, 2012

[VIDEO] Caffebene in NY (30 seconds)

Note: Please pause the background music before playing the video.

credit to: gaonnuri22 YT

[TWITTER & WEIBO UPDATE] 5/2/2012 @ AsiaPrince_JKS

trans: @sa_sha26
weibo* #JKSTweet Translation: Good morning children~~~~ I am getting ready to go to work, faster get up, thank god!!!!

Translation from Sukbar + Sarah Ye: I took Coffee from fans on site, so cool, but is not Cafebene... -_-


  • @AsiaPrince_JKS: 맛있지 . 카페베네 ...ㅋ”ㅡ나 이런사람이야..일본에도 카페베네가 생긴다면..??

  • trans: @sa_sha26 worried MJ about something to do with Do S (the car)

  • JangKeunSuk 장근석@AsiaPrince_JKS 안녕하세요 카페베네님아~~ 올 여름 근짱과 장어들에게 추천해주고싶은 아이스메뉴가 있다면...?ぐんちゃんとうなぎたちにおすすめしたいな夏のメニューは?                                                                              *rans by @sa_sha26:  #JKSTweet Translation: Hello Mr. CaffeeBene~~ this summer, what ice menu recommended for Gun-chan and Eels...? *

  • JangKeunSuk 장근석@AsiaPrince_JKS ㄴ ㅑ!!트리제이!!점심시간에 졸지말고 일할것!!                                                                                                                         *trans by @sa_sha26: Translation: Nyaa!! Tree-J!!! Don't sleep during lunch hour, do work!!

  • JangKeunSuk 장근석@AsiaPrince_JKS Zegda구나...-_-;; 미 미안                                           *google trans: See ...-_-; the U.S. I'm sorry *

  • JangKeunSuk 장근석@AsiaPrince_JKS 서준의 새로운 헤어스타일에 대한 견해가 궁금합니다!!                                                                                                                        
  • google trans: Opinion about the new hairstyle seojun wonder!*
  • JangKeunSuk 장근석@AsiaPrince_JKS: “: 핑크자켓은 사랑입니다. 제마음 모르시겠어요?”.- 아버지.전 싫어요!!...핑크..”ㅡ놔! 이거놔!쥬니!(특유)                                                                                                                              
  •  *trans by @sa_sha26: : “@: “@: I love Pink Jacket. You don't know my heart?". - Dad. I hate it!!!.. Pink" Let go! Let go of my son! *


 @AsiaPrince_JKS: @sh28500 :What do you think about the rumor 'grandmother's hair'? Are you used to be friendly with your grandmother ?maternal grandmother? paternal grandmother? Answer me!(to his hair stylist)


 @AsiaPrince_JKS: “@sh28500: @AsiaPrince_JKS:  What! Grandmother's hairstyle?
How classical and elegant the hairstyle is!


@AsiaPrince_JKS: @codescombineluv: Dear lovely codescombine~ How about giving us team uniforms for the staffs who sweat a lot on a very hot day~? 


@AsiaPrince_JKS: @codescombineluv 말똥말똥 means 'with eyes widely and clearly open' (JKS is waiting codescombine's answer..kkk)


@codescombineluv: @AsiaPrince_JKS: I am just a small employee...if you come to codescombine shop, we will give you anything you want! Anyway...we have already given you many clothes of ours...will you show them on TV, won't you?


@codescombineluv: @AsiaPrince_JKS: @codescombineluv: What can I react? (written in the photo ....'JKS had a mental shock'...kkk


@codescombineluv: @AsiaPrince_JKS : Yes, yes. we will! You are an Asia Prince!!


@AsiaPrince_JKS: “@codescombineluv: "What can I react?" - The manager called me directly to give us uniforms! I succeeded to bring team uniforms! I am Keunjjang !!! Hahahaha !!!


@AsiaPrince_JKS: “@codescombineluv: @AsiaPrince_JKS: "Yes,yes....we will!! You are Asia Prince!" - Thank you for your late answer. kkk.. I love Codescombine!!



  • *trans by Sasha ★@sa_sha26 : what you're having for lunch? CaffeBene? Zegda? Codescombine? Tongyi Juice? LOOL..*

  • 현재의 소감이 궁금합니다 MJ*                                        *trans bySasha ★@sa_sha26 : Translation: MJ, I'm curious about your feelings.

  • #JKSTweet : “@: 현재의 소감이 궁금합니다 MJ” 앞으로 더 열심히 살아야할 것 같네요.                                                                                  *trans by Sa_sha26: Translation: I'll have to do better in the future, I think. *

  • : 6회 서준의 핑크색 쟈켓에 대해서 어찌 생각하십니까? #JKSTweet                                                                                                                            *Translation by @Sa_sha26: : What do you think about Seo Jun's pink jacket in episode 6? *

  •  : “@: 장근석 씨의 몸은 괜찮아? MJ도 괜찮아? 군 짱보고 싶은하세요 ~!”ㅡMJ 안괜찮아                         *Translation by @sa_sha26:Mr. Jang Keun Suk, if your body feeling better now? MJ also feels better now? I miss Gun-Chan~! - MJ is not well.
  • RT : “@: 핑크자켓은 사랑입니다. 제마음 모르시겠어요?”ㅡ모르겠고 역시 공격하라 장어들아!!!                                                             
  • *trans by @sa_sha26: I love the pink jacket. You don't know my heart?" - Maybe I don't know. Attack her eels!!!!

  • TranslationSasha ★@sa_sha26  : : Because I am bored..

  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    @AsiaPrice_JKS: @HyungJun87:Waiting for shooting. Completely campy. ㅡme also..

    • 뚜둥!!!! 대인배 카페베네의 위엄!!!! ごれがカフェベネだ!!さすが!
    • Translation by @sa_sha26 :  Dong dong!!! The power of big company,Caffebene!!! 

    trans by‏ @sa_sha26 : Relieved Gun-chan... 



    •   카페베네에서 장근석 고객님의 소원을 성취해주셨습니다. 시원한 커피를 제공해주신 카페베네에게 감사드립니다^^
    • Translation by @sa_sha26:  Jang Keun Suk's wishes fulfilled at Caffebene. Thank you for providing a cooling coffee, CaffeBene.

    Prince wih Caffebene staff

    [JKS WEIBO] update

    weibo* #JKSTweet Translation: Good morning children~~~~ I am getting ready to go to work, faster get up, thank god!!!!

    source: JKSweibo
    trans: @sa_sha26

    [PHOTO] Caffe Bene

    credit as tagged

    Interview with PD Yoon Suk Ho, Love Rain DVD –director cut (the 70s part)

     PD Yoon, the director of Love Rain revealed that there will be a director cut DVD coming out.

    April 27th, at Sangsu-dong, Mapo-gu Seoul, KBS2 drama Love Rain did on site open filming. PD Yoon Suk Ho expressed that he had special feeling (nostalgia) towards 70’s part of the drama. He also said even the shooting of that part was slow, but he had put lots of emotions in it. So he would like to edit this part again and make DVD out of it.

    “Love Rain” is a drama that combines 70’s analog era pure love and 2012 digital era modern fashion love (passion and romantic). The story goes over generations and crossed the time lines to narrative the nature of love.

    PD Yoon said the 70’s love is more concentrate on “slow aesthetics”. He also said that he planned to make 10 episodes of 70’s part and would run through the young generation love story and middle age love story together. At the beginning, he planned to make 70’s part for 10 episodes, but at the end, they only edited 4 episodes of it. They shot lots of very beautiful scenes (means the parts that didn’t show in the 70’s part as drama aired), so he will make a DVD out of it.

    Since September to December last year, he used 4 months to shoot 70’s love part in Keimyung University, Daegu. He said he has put lots of energy to shoot 70’s love story part that really showed 70’s romance – “the fond of memories is hard to let it go”. He also said: “The pace was slow, but that was how it was and I didn’t want to change it but keep it as it was. Compare to just follow the modern steps I would rather to put all my efforts to make something that I want.” He said: “In Japan, for some important friends I gave out “Winter Sonata” DVD as gift. That means to treasure all the feelings, music and scenes in the work. This time I will do the same thing to Love Rain. This drama will not be just an electrical wave pass through, but more like a prepared gift for someone you like. Then he/she will remember this works for a very long time.”

    Source: via jangkeunsukforever
    English Translation: Sarah Ye
    credit: Sukbar + sukkiefanncusa

    [Love Rain] With Production Team, On Site

    KBS2 TV Drama Love Rain’s production team revealed filming site at Hongik University, Mapogu, Seoul.
    Today’s shooting is at Lee San Ho’s Café Style clinic – White Garden. The leading actors Jang Keun Suk and Yoona are working actively during shooting. Before filming they talked to each other about script, practicing lines. When the filming started, they were totally into the roles as Seo Jun and Ha Na.

    PD Yoon is giving instructions during shooting. Besides his unique detailed directing, the actors are so concentrating, as well the production team, such as person who was holding the reflecting board. Workers on every position are all devoting all their efforts.

    At every corner of the shooting site, we can feel the production team’s circumspection fits into the coffee house style clinic well. On the first floor, they have menus and food just like a real cafe. PD Yoon said: “White Garden site was remodeled from Yoon’s Color Office. Hongdae would make people think of busy downtown. This site fits into the drama. I’m very satisfied with it. If we go somewhere else, we have to consider the schedule and other stuff. Because this is our building, so we don’t have to worry about those things. The birch trees that we planted 3 years ago are all growing fast. This brings beautiful background scene.” Other than that, PD Yoon also told us “70s, 2012 and middle age love are all new experiments. During planning we thought the drama would be a success. Even now the rating is not that promising, but to do “dream style” scenes is my strength. KBS high level officials are also gave “Love Rain” high expectation. The real result came out, everybody was a bit disappointed, but we still keep working hard. The atmosphere on site is really good. Everyone is doing a great job on their position. And there are not many criticisms towards the drama itself. So we have motivation.”

    Around the shooting site, Japanese fans are quietly standing there in order. They all came here for Jang Keun Suk and Yoona. The producer said: “Even they shoot till midnight, fans are still waiting outside.”
    After the shooting, Jang Keun Suk said: “Of course I do care for the rating, but the on site atmosphere is so nice. When I got Love Rain’s script, I read it and then I talked to directors of my company, we got only one conclusion. In Japan, I developed very well, but compare to take a safer path, I would rather to take challenges. I want to get out “Geunjang” flower boy image, and let people to see the other sides of me.”
    Yoona said: “We are all about same age, so on site it feels really nice. I’m glad that through Love Rain I become PD Yoons’ drama’s “Godess”. I also feel honored. Sangbae Lee Mi Soo who plays Ha Na’s mother is very nice to me. She patiently instructed me how to act. I want to learn more and more in the future.

    Love Rain is 70s’ and 2012 young people’s love story. It elaborates the nature of love through generations and time lines.

    Credit: KSC , SK Communications
    English Translation: Sarah Ye

    Source: Korean Fan Pages via

    'Love Rain' Jang Keun Suk-Yoona (SNSD), BreakUp After Spending Night Together?

    KBS 'Love Rain' aired on April 30 featured the scene of Joon (Jang Keun Suk) asking to end the relationship with Hana (Yoona) after a smooth progression of their couple.

    KBS 'Love Rain' aired on April 30 featured the scene of Joon (Jang Keun Suk) asking to end the relationship with Hana (Yoona) after a smooth progression of their couple.

    In Ha’s (Jung Jin Young) decision between his ex-wife Hae Jung (Yoo Hae Ri) and his first love Yoon Hee was Yoon Hee. Even after so many years, In Ha had no trouble choosing Yoon Hee. Despite Hae Jung's plead, In Ha insisted he will live with Yoon Hee.

    Joon found out about his father's relationship with Hana's mom and he decides to give up Hana. Hana asked Joon to eat with her but Joon gave an excuse of having a meeting, and came home drunk. He falls asleep next to Hana who fell asleep waiting all night holding onto her phone, and despite spending the night together, they end up breaking up. Joon had said "Let's end it here" to Hana.

    Through this, the cute romance of ‘Love Rain’ has shifted gears.

    credits: kpopstarz