Love Rain’s Hana (played by Yoona) and Seo Joon (played by Jang Keun Suk) are experiencing trials in their love.
Newly released preview still cuts ahead of the May 14 episode are showing it may be a tear-jerking episode for fans, as Joon shows his determination to protect the love between him and Hana. Despite the hurts the two have experienced over the course of their relationship, Joon tells Hana, “I’m not going to avoid it. I’m not going to budge,” letting her know he will not give up on their love until the very end.
In particular, the images are carrying the scene’s emotional punch as a teary Yoona can be seen tightly clutching Jang Keun Suk and another mage shows him giving her a kiss.
Love Rain’s production shared, “In the 15th episode, Joon
will express his unwavering feelings for Hana. Please be in anticipation to see
if his earnest feelings will be enough to help the Seo Joon and Hana couple to
start over again.”
The episode will air on May 14.
Photo credit: Yoons Color
The episode will air on May 14.
Photo credit: Yoons Color
source: enewsworld