The hot Monday-Tuesday KBS drama ‘Love Rain’ garnered attention for its movie-like quality and storyline approach, only to create the buzz before its release by its golden combo of director Yoon Seok Ho, and writer Oh Soo Yeon (famed for Winter Sonata and Autumn in my Heart melodrama that pulled millions of tears from fans around the world) and the quality sets standard to prove its beautiful and breathtaking scenes seen during the drama.
Actor and hallyu-wave leaders SNSD YoonA and Jang Geun-seuk who portrayed the two souls in love both in the 70s era and the modern day today captured not only because of their idol-popularity, but for their acting abilities and sensibilities to relish each moment of a ‘slow relationship’, where in the society today is rare. Apt for the ‘slow relationship’ story line is the mesmerizing shoot locations and perfect direction of scenes, KBS also has released sets of photos onto their Facebook album for the drama that freezes that moment of sadness,anxiousness, and love. Enjoy some of my personal favourites here and check out their album for the entire photo sets!
The Golden duo of dramas did it yet again to create evoking visuals for a simple love story that just touches your heart to the core and making you yearn for the same. Don’t you guys agree with me the first photo above with a soft focus on the Asian Prince and the beautiful Sapporo snow is such an amazing snapshot, and clear raindrops in the scenes below?
source: starnews,