Saturday, July 21, 2012

[INTERVIEW] 7/16/2012 Jang Keun Suk @ Tetsuko’s Room [English Subbed]

Note: Please pause the background music before playing the video.

Credits: SUKNationHK, Jang Keun Suk Forever
English translation: tenshi_akuma

[TWITTER] 7/20/2012 Tree J Staff Twitter Update

I visisted Yokohama for the first time in 2 years. On November 27th, 2010, at PACIFICO YOKOHAMA HALL. We had a show of five thousands people twice a day. On that day I cried a lot for joy. This time at arena! pit-a-pat : )
2년 만에 오는 요코하마. 2010년 11월 27일 PACIFICO YOKOHAMA HALL 오천명 규모의 공연을 하루에 두 번. 그 날은 참 많이도 울었다. 기뻐서- 이번에는 아레나! 두근두근 : )

In 2012, Yokohama. Although all the staff warned not to because of the safety, he said “Please make a promise with me. If you stay in your seat, I’ll go there.” He did, and still does not listen to us. k k k
2010년 요코하마에서, 스텝들이 안전을 이유로 모두 안된다고 하는데도 “나랑 약속 하나 해요- 자리에 가만히 있어준다면, 내가 그 쪽으로 가겠습니다”라고. 예나 지금이나 말 안듣긴 마찬가지 ㅋㅋㅋ


 @cherry2196 and @minzzangde shared their Prince tour on twitter.

Credit: Asia Prince_JKS, tenshi_akuma (Japan)
Source: Jang Keun Suk Forever

[TWITTER] 7/20/2012 Jang Keun Suk Twitter Update

Our boss has got eels’ power for the rehearsal!!!!

After experiencing Tokyo Dome, now the Arena venue is within my control. The props background is very good!
도쿄돔을 겪어보니 이제 이런 아레나 공연장도 손바닥 안에 있구나 음화화홧!!!

JKS: Jyo~~~ zikzin!!!!

Tree-J: Yokohama rehearsal has ended smoothly~ see you tomorrow~ ^^
요코하마 리허설 좋은 컨디션으로 잘 끝냈습니다. 내일 만나요^^

M3 prodcer: mm… I am very slender indeed …
JKS: Is that a challenge?
玛丽制作人:嗯…果然 我很苗条…
M3 prodcer:음…역쉬 난 날씬해
JKS: 도발인가요?

Credit:  aphrael77, AsiaPrince_JKS twitter & Sukbar
Source: Jang Keun Suk Forever