아가배 제거 프로젝트는 매일매일 가동중.. しぬかとおもった!
Project removing belly is going on everyday...
JangKeunSuk 장근석 @AsiaPrince_JKS
엄마 몰래 차 계약했다가 들켜서 회사 다 뒤집어지고 나 엄마 피해서 도망다니고 있고 어젯밤 주차장 차에서 자고..하루가 두렵다..장어들아 엄마를 위해 조공을 바쳐줘..나..집에 좀 들어가고 싶다..
I ordered car without letting my mum know, I went to the company to escape from mum, i slept in the car at the parking, yesterday. Today is really scary.. Eels please give me some idea in order to please my mum... I ... want to go home....
사랑해요 어머니..
I love you mum..
서울시 강남구 청담동 40번지 6층.. 전이사님께 조공부탁..산해진미,불량식품,손편지 등등등 화를 잠 재울 수 있는 모든것을 부탁해..장어들아..물총은보내지마라 저번에 엄마한테 물튀었다 죽을뻔....
40, 6th Floor, CheongDamDong,Gangnam-gu, Seoul.. Please send some delicacies, junk food, written mail etc to Director Jeon.. So that she's able to calm down her anger.. Eels.. dont send water guns, that time I sprayed my mum.. and I nearly died....
@minzzangde: @AsiaPrince_JKS 회사로 오시는게 더 안전할듯 합니다.”ㅡ목아지 따인다..----
minzzangde: coming to office seems to be much safer
JKS: of course not! mama is at office!
ㄴ ㅑ 우리엄마 유연해서 이런거 필요없고 의아한건 아빠는 정작 태연해하고 있어..그것은 아빠가 그 차를 가져가겠다는 의미인가..아놔..아시아프린스 오늘 바쁘다 바뻐 후다다닥
Nyaa my mum is very soft person, she don't need this kind of thing. The shocking thing is, my father was very calm.. that means my father wants to take away the car.. Asia Prince is busy today.. hulalala
@codeinconnu: @AsiaPrince_JKS 엄마가 찾으셔 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 앜ㅋㅋㅋㅋ”ㅡ대사연습하다가 이빨 깨져서 치과갔다그래
codeinconnu:mama looking for you kekekekkekeke
suk:tell her that i broke my tooth while practicing my script / rehearsal, went to visit a dentist.
@codeinconnu: @AsiaPrince_JKS 엄마가 오랰ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 빨리 왘ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 되게 보고 싶으신거 같아 : )”ㅡ껒!! 그냥 죽으라그래라
codeinconnu:your mum is asking for you.. kekekke come in quickly.. she seems like she is missing you. :)
suk: just say im dead
그 와중에 깨알같이 중국어 공부하긔있긔없긔??
In this situation...Studying Chinese little by little....possible or not
결국 끌려왔다....아....맞으면 어떡하지.... 어떡하지....
Eventually i got caught... Ah.. what if i got beatings... how.. how
이모까지 합세..
Aunt joins in too...
아빠 도망갔어...에이씨... 이어지는 설교...
My dad escaped.. lecturing continues..
훗... 있는 돈 다 털어서 계약금을 걸어둔 천재아들의 승리..그러나 어른들 말 틀린말씀 하나 없으니 다들 명심할것..!!
hoot... victory goes to the son who used all the money available to pay the down payment of the car... So all the words that elder people says are never wrong.. everyone remember that..!!
The truth is... it's tiring.. .....
사춘기 이후 처음만나는 킴롸아아악~~ 반가워 나는 '승자'라고 해~~쿠쿠쿠쿠
Kim Rok who I meet first time after my adolescence~~~ Nice to meet you! My name is 'winner'~~kkkk
승자의 세레머니를 구경하러 모인 훌리건들 ~~쬬~~~~zikzin~~~!!
Hooligans coming to see the winner's ceremony~~~Jo~~~zikzin~~~!!!
From Kim Rok's (Sukkie's friend) tweet back to Suk “@AsiaPrince_JKS: 사춘기 이후 처음만나는 킴롸아아악~~ 반가워 나는 '승자'라고 해~~쿠쿠쿠쿠 http://pic.twitter.com/71d6lmZD” 너가 "아프"냐? 난 그냥 아프다.... Rok: You're sick of time, I'm just sick. (gg trans+Sarah Ye , ECI)
translation credit: Angelnunhwa, sa_sha26