Monday, August 13, 2012

[NEWS] Jang Keun Suk Welcomes Jang Keun Suk to Seoul

There’s nothing like it when family and friends greet you at the airport, but for Jang Keun Suk, it wasn’t his family or friends who came to see him, but himself. 

On August 12, Jang Keun Suk tweeted, “Keun Suk came out to greet Keun Suk again.”

The photo showed a large sign greeting guests who arrived to Seoul. On top of the sign was a huge advertisement of Jang Keun Suk. In the photo, Jang Keun Suk’s v-sign is also visible. 

On this day, Jang Keun Suk returned from Shanghai after successfully completing his The Cri Show 2 in Shanghai. He will be traveling to Taiwan, Thailand and other South East Asian countries to continue his tour. 

credit: enewsworld

[INTERVIEW] Jang Keun Suk Interview @ ‘The Yomiuri Shimbun’

Next goal is to be World Prince

10 years has passed since Drama “Winter Sonata”. His latest drama “Love Rain”draws attention as a new collaborative work between Director Yoon Seok-ho and Scriptwriter Oh Soo-yun (whose masterpiece is “Winter Sonata”). Jang Keun Suk plays the leader actor with “SNSD” Yoona. They shot in Hokkaido, too. The beautiful scenery familiar to Japanese adds spice to their fatal love.

“I’m not sure about 1970s, so I tried to feel the soul of the era, asking Director and watching documentaries in those days.” Through his mature manner of talking, We can feel his another face, a down-to-earth actor quite different from his other face, a pop idol called “Guen-chan”.

He just turned 25 years old, but this year is his 20th anniversary since his debut. “I went to TV station more often than school. I held microphones more often than pens. Once I felt sorry that I didn’t have similar experiences or memories as friends had. However, I have been doing what I want to try instead. That’s why I’ve never regretted it”.

Every morning he talk himself in the mirror, checking his condition and make plans. He says, “This 10-second reflection is the most important time in a day”.
“I became Asia Prince. Next, I want to be World Prince” … He said so with his face set.

Q: How do you release your stress?
A: Traveling. Especially I love to travel without any plans or preparation. It’s convenient that China and Japan are not so far from Korea. I have friends living in a lot of countries, so I often visit them.

Q: Where do you definitely go when you’re staying in Japan?
A: Yoshinoya (Beef bowl restaurant) and CoCo-Ichibanya (Curry and rice restaurant). I   often go there after staying up late with friends.

Q: What are you into now?
A: (Inclining his head to one side) “So-da-ne~” It’s a joke I made recently.

Q: What do you expect your marriage partner?
A: A career woman. I prefer those who are professional. I prefer cooking together to making her cook and wait for me at home. I think when we leave home in the morning, saying each other “Do hard work today!” sounds very good. 

Credits: THE YOMIURI SHIMBUN, tenshi_akuma
source: Jang Keun Suk Forever

[TWITTER] 8/13/2012 Jang Keun Suk Twitter Update

Weary soul wants to drink till death… The restaurant “pig nostril (돼지콧구멍)”. 
Come! Come!
지친영혼은 술 먹고 죽으련다…논현동 돼지콧구멍 121-3 컴컴
tenshi_akuma’s note: The restaurant “pig nostril (돼지콧구멍)” is owned by Lee Jae Hoon, a member of K-POP group “COOL”.

[TWITTER] 8/12/2012 Jang Keun Suk & staff twitter update

Today I feel more proud of being Jang Keun Suk’s music producer than Director Choi Chulho^^ Please give him the highest praise~~
오늘난 최철호감독이란 내이름보다 장근석의 프로듀서란 이름이 너무나 자랑스럽다^^그에게 최고의 찬사를~~

All the staff can’t approach even the place where Actor Jang is … The roads are flooded with chasers… We’re sleepy in the bus stopped moving and get hungry… But I’m worried more about this confusion might lead to cancel his scheduled performance. Now Jang Keun Suk has been considered as one of dangerous men who creates disorder in China.
스탭들 모두 장배우가 있는 곳으로 가까이 가지도 못한다… 추격자들로 가득찬 도로… 우리는 멈춘 버스 안에서 졸리고, 배고프다… 근데 공연 취소가 더 걱정 장근석은 중국에서 질서를 어지럽히는 위험인물이 되었다

Please help us to lift his ban (for stop drinking)~~~
저희 봉인해제하게 좀 도와주세요~~~

I was thinking I would go back to Korea tomorrow, but I’m going back today as scheduled.
내일가려 했는데 예정대로 오늘 귀국 합니다

I love my mother.

I said, “Stop it~~~~”. If not, you’ll be fired kkk fired~~~
그만 좀 하라니까~~~불이 ㅋㅋㅋ 까불이~~~

I found Jang Keun Suk “Just Crazy” album at a record shop in Hong Kong!
홍콩 음반샵에서 장근석 크레이지앨범 발견!

tenshi_akuma’s note: MIN (Tree-J staff) flew to Hong Kong after Shanghai CRI SHOW2… for JKS’ another business??

Seoul! The photo of which Jang Keun Suk welcomes has changed : )
서울! 장근석이 반겨준다 사진 바뀌었네 : )

Jang Keun Suk is welcomed by Jang Keun Suk again..
근석이가 또 근석이 마중나옴..

I also found DVD!
DVD도 발견!

credit: tenshi_akuma (Japan), Jang Keun Suk Forever

[WEIBO] 8/12/2012 Jang Keun Suk and Jason Jang Weibo Update

I love China.. but I don’t like Saeseng fans who chase me 24 hours, they only care for their own needs but don’t care about the safety and don’t follow the traffic rules on the street.. I was planning to stay a bit longer in China to write Shanghai Diary.. Now I go back to Kroea, sorry to everyone, thank you. I love you, but except Saeseng fans. 
我爱中国.. 只是不喜欢24小时追着我不遵守交通法规不顾安全只想着自己利益的一部分私生饭们.. 反正我本想多在中国待一会也写上海日记的..我回韩国了! 大家对不起也谢谢你们 我爱你们.. 除了私生饭..
@张根硕 : 난 중국을 사랑해요.. 24시간 나 쫓아다니며 교통법규 위반하고 안전상관안하고 자기 이익만 생각하는 일부 사생팬들이 싫을 뿐.. 어쨋든 중국에 더 있고 싶었고 상하이 다이어리도 쓰고싶었는데..저는 한국으로 돌아갑니다! 다들 미안하고 고맙고 사랑해요.. 사생팬빼고.. #WeicoLomo#

Jks’s Cri Show was big success. Everyone worked hard! Thanks to the staff and eels! We will have better one next time, right? Good things take rough roads the most hard working @Jang Keun Suk, u the best!! He will have greater plan in the future! Everyone please wait kkkk, p.s. There was some little trouble yesterday but this won’t effect our big plan, don’t worry! We are not that narrow minded kkkk.
jks演出大成功,大家辛苦啦!谢谢各位工作人员和鳗鱼们!我们下次会更好的!对吗?好事多磨 最辛苦的@张根硕 u the best!! 他以后有更伟大的计划!大家期待期待ㅋㅋㅋ p.s 昨天有小麻烦不会影响到大计划不用担心!我们没有那么小心眼儿~ㅋㅋㅋ

credit: sukkiefanncusa, Jang Keun Suk Forever

[VIDEO/INTERVIEW] [8/11/2012 Chinese Media Reports of JKS Cri Show Presscon

Note: Please pause the background music before playing the video.

Credit: Le Shi Entertainment

Credit: Jang Keun Suk Forever
English Translation/sub Sarah Ye

[TWITTER] 8/11/2012 TreeJ and Staff Twitter Update

CRI SHOW2 in Shanghai is totally different from the one last year..! Even in a year, it’s become bigger like this… Watching the stage rehearsal, I’m feeling special… I hope we’ll have nice and safe performance tomorrow..!
작년과 너무 다른 상해 크리쇼..! 1년 사이에, 또 이렇게 커버리다니… 무대 리허설보면서, 남다른 이 기분… 내일 멋진 공연, 무사 공연..!

This year again… Heungro participates in an interview earnestly… I cut all of his interview part last year because it was boring… well, this time I’ll try to make the minimum use of it… but even his voice tone seems boring!
작년에 이어… 올해도 열심히 인터뷰하는 흥부… 작년엔 지루해서 다 짤랐는데… 이번엔 최소분량 내주는걸로… 근데 진짜 목소리 자체가 지루해!

Shanghai venue
상해 공연장

It’s not my laptop… I feel like crying…
내 노트북이 아니다… 울 것 같다…

This boy’s show must be good all the time. His efforts deserve it.
이 아이의 공연은 반드시 잘 되어야 한다 그 노력은 그럴 가치가 있다

“2012 Jang Keun Suk Asia Tour The CRI SHOW2 in Shanghai” starts. Please expect a lot of good performance today!
<2012 장근석 아시아투어 더 크리쇼2 인 상해> 시작합니다. 오늘도 멋진 공연 많이 기대해주세요!

Please… Please don’t take pictures and record the show. Please see the artist on stage through your eyes, instead of seeing through a lens,
제발… 사진 찍지 마세요 녹화 하지 마세요 무대 위의 아티스트를 렌즈가 아닌 눈으로 보아 주세요 부탁드립니다…

Tanned Prince! His sexiness is all out!
까무잡잡한 프린스! 오늘 섹쉬미 터진다!

Obviously even the same white clothe looks different. Suntan seems to increase his sexiness! I hope the performance will be good~ and safe today!
분명 다른때와 같은 하얀옷인데, 까무잡잡하니까 섹쉬미터지는 프린스! 공연 잘하고 있음~ 오늘도 무사공연!

To Chinese, jyo~ zikzin! kk
I’d like to ask you not to follow our cars T_T Please keep our rules T_T
중국어 하시고, 죠 직진하고! ㅋㅋ 차 따라오지 말라고, 부탁을 한다 ㅠ 제발 지켜줘요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
He sang “In my dream” in Chinese. He wrote the lyrics impromptu and sang it. it’s really amazing his sense of doing this. By the way, I love ice cream kkk
중국어로 인마이드림/ 즉흥적으로 가사 만들어서 노래 부르심/ 역시 프린스의 센스란/// 금데/ 정마 삥치린 너무 좋아해 ㅋㅋㅋ

Prince’s sense is something like… because the show is held in China he counts his songs using Chinese… “一(yī), 二(èr), 三 (sān), 四(sì)”… not 1, 2, 3, 4! Wow~ Actor Prince, you have a sense of entertaining and caring about the local audience. kk
프린스의 센스란… 노래 하나둘셋을 중국이다보니/ 이얼싼쓰! 아오~ 프린스 너란 배우 정말 센스 쩌심ㅋㅋ

He has an extraordinary ability to handle languages! Prince suddenly decided to sing unscheduled songs! He’s eels’ master! Eels’ Amor! The song immediately starts like this; “It’s not love. It can’t be love~”
아무리봐도 언어의 재능이 너무 남다르다! 예정에 없던 노래 불러주겠다는 프린스! 장어조련사, 장어사랑갑! 그 노래는 바로, 사랑은 아닐꺼라고, 절대로 아닐꺼라고~
tenshi_akuma’s note: This song (lyrics) he suddenly started to sing is “Still” from A.N.JELL.

The venue is full of excitement!
워아이니먼! 공연장 열기 가득!

Chinese eels sang birthday song to him unless I heard wrong.
중국팬들이 분명 생일축하노래를 한거같아ㅜ 내귀가 막귀가 아니면 ㅠㅜ

8/11 Shanghai — The opening video started at 19:45, the end-title roll ended at 22:20. 2 hours 35minutes. Updated each time as the best…
8/11 상하이 ㅡ 공연안내멘트 시작 19:45 엔딩스크롤 종료 22:20 ㅡ 2시간 35분 아, 매번 최고 갱신…

credit: tenshi_akuma, Jang Keun Suk Forever

[TWITTER] 8/11/2012 Jang Keun Suk Twitter Update

What… is… this….
이…이게 뭐야….

What….. is this….. 2 the reality of pirated merchandise
这……这是什么呀……2 盗版周边的现实
이…이게뭐야….2 짝퉁굿즈의 현실..

What….. is this….. 3 Don’t buy this kind of thing!!!
这……这是什么呀……3 这种东西不要买!!!
이…이게 뭐야…3 이런거 사지마!!!!!!!

Lifting a ban
tenshi_akuma’s note: I supposed this tweet meant he would restart drinking to celebrate the completion of Shanghai CRI SHOW2. To keep his throat in good condition, he had refrained from drinking (and girls! he said jokingly…) for a while. And seeing his following tweet, my guess was right!

Lifting… a ban (for stop drinking)

credit: tenshi_akuma,  Jang Keun Suk Forever

[NEWS] Jang Geun Suk 9.1 Taipei Arena Show

Tickets went on sale yesterday at noon, more than 80% of the 10,000 tickets were sold. The most expensive tickets are the free standing rock area going at 6800 TWD, 1600 tickets were sold out in half an hour.

credit: Eileen Tan (ECI)
photo credit as tagged