Love Rain is the current drama featuring Jang Keun Suk and Yoona and directed by Yoon Suk Ho who is famous for his classic masterpieces “season dramas” like winter sonata. Love Rain had first 4 episodes focused on parents’ love in 1970s and the remaining episodes talking about the children’s love in 2012.
Viewers were surprised while seeing one of the episodes of Love Rain. In the very first episode there is a scene where Jang Keun Suk playing the role of Seo In Ha, an art student, reminisces about Yoon Hee`s (played by Yoona) diary.
In that scene In Ha attends a lecture by a professor who bears striking resemblance to PD Yoon Suk Ho. Viewers also noted the voice similarity along with the physical resemblance. So did PD Yoon make a cameo appearance in Ep 1 of Love Rain?
Netizens commented “PD Yoon?”. “Yep it looks like pd yoon” , “ PD Yoon? His voice is similar like PD Yoon’s voice”
It was heartening to see PD Yoon in front of the camera in a scene.