Monday, June 4, 2012

[TWITTER UPDATE] 6/4/2012 Jang Keun Suk Twitter Diary

.@AsiaPrince_JKS: 동경에서 다시 서울 도착 아 바쁘다바빠 tokyoからもうソウルにかえた!いそがしいすぎる!
 I came to Seoul from Tokyo. Busy busy....

 @AsiaPrince_JKS: 아씨 들켰다-_- ばれた-_- 
 Shit, I am discovered. RT

이걸 사라고~~~ ごれをかって~~~ 
Buy this ~~~ 

 You guerrilla kkk ㅡ I am doing this...

잠시 후 7 시부터 장어의 일기가 제 트윗에서 연재됩니다 많은 기대 바래욧! あと7時からうなぎのダイアリーがオレのツイタでopenします!ぜひたのしみ! p
An eel's diary' will start on my tweet from 7pm. Expect it much!

앨범도 나왔고 근짱을 느끼기 위해 인터넷에서 산 티켓을 찾아 공항 롯데리아에서 새우버거를 처묵처묵 アルバムも出たしぐんちゃんえおがんじるためにインタネトでかったチケトをもらって空港内のロッテリアでエビバーガーをたべた

My album came out and I wanted to feel Keunjjang. So I've got the ticket which I bouhgt by internet, and ate a shrimp burger in Lotteria in the airport.

주말이라 매니져들은 쉬라고 하고 친구들을 가져가기로 했다 ! しゅまつだからマニジャたちはやすんでねとゆってともたちをもって行ってた!

It's weekend..So let my managers have some rest...Instead I decided to bring some friends...

Cola사장funduk이 외에 준희형은 출발하기다섯시간전에합류하기로 했다술먹다가자고 했거든-_- コーラのfundukだけじゃなくてジュニくんは出発五時間前にいきたいとゆっていっしょうにいってた。お酒のみながらゆたので-__-

Joonhi would join us 5hours before we start, except for the boss of Cola, funduk. We said we would go after drink. -_-

 일단 긴자에서 점심을 쵸지고~ とりあえずぎんざのはなさとでひるごはんを食べて~
 At first, we ate lunch at Kinja. 

로손에서 아쿠오랑 아라비키 햄버거를 선택해보고 ローソンでアクヲとあらびきハンバグをセレクトしてみた!
I chose Aquo gum n Arabiki hamburger at Lawson...

시부야 타워레코드에 있는 근짱과 사진도 찍어보고~ しぶやのタワレコドにあるグンちゃんとしゃしんをとって見て~
 I took a photo with Keunjjang at Tower Record in Shibuya~ 

다행히 들키지 않고 잠입에 성공!!!! ばれなかったので入ること施工!!!
Luckily succeed to get into the place without being noticed...

장근석 첫 번째 정규앨범을 50장이나 사버렸다..-_- ジャングンソクの始めてのアルバム50まいかった-_-
Bought fifty 장근석's first full albums there...

TSUTAYA입구에도 근짱이 있어~ TSUTAYA入口にもぐんちゃんがいる~
here's Keunzzang in the enterance of TSUTAYA~~

다행히 들키지 않고 잠입에 성공!!!! ばれなかったので入ること施工!!! 
Luckily succeed to get into the place without being noticed...

으하하하 기분좋아 전부 나야!!! ウハハハ きもちいい!ぜんぶオレしかいない!!
Hahahahahaha....Feeling great...Keunzzang all over the place!!

I was hungry so I tried new Jap-chae pancake~
RT @AsiaPrince_JKS: 배가고파서 새로나온 잡채 호떡도 먹어보고~


얘네는 쌍화차를 먹고~! 참 말안듣게 생겼다..!ㅋㅋㅋ ごのひとたちは쌍화차を飲んだし~! がおがきもちわるいね...!www

My friends drank ssanghwa tea~! They look like really stubborn....hahaha

비너스포토에 있는 근짱의 청룡문 카페에 가서~ ビナスポートにあるぐんちゃんの背呂門に行って~
At the Keunzzang cafe in Virusphoto in Tokyo~~

Continue? or not? RT @AsiaPrince_JKS: 아씨 비행기 출발 하느라 일기 끊겼네?
Shit! Diary stoped because the plain started....

 @AsiaPrince_JKS: 난 이걸 먹고싶어 했지. オレはごれがたべたかった。
 I wanted to eat this...... 
The name of the menu is same as the drama 'Ikemendesne'(JKS's drama 'He is beautiful')

@AsiaPrince_JKS: 아무튼 여행은 계속되고~ とにかく旅行はキプゴイング~
Anyway, the trip went on~  

Because Keunjjang4 came, the trip schedule was added one day.....the next day schedule will be uploaded tomorrow!!!!
RT @AsiaPrince_JKS: 근짱4의 출연으로 일본에서의 일정은 하루가 더 늘어나는데.....이튿날 일정은 내일 업로드됩니다!

Tomorrow's story will be more interesting!!!
RT @AsiaPrince_JKS: 내일의 이야기는 더욱 흥미진진!!

저 여자로 말할것 같으면 근짱의 마마 포니캐년의 미키짱입니드아~! あの女は日本でグンちゃんのママ ポニケニエンのミキちゃんです!
The woman is, Keunjjang's mama, Miki jjang in Ponycanyon~!!!

RT @AsiaPrince_JKS: “@ashura1999: 마마 ^^오랜만 ㅋㅋㅋ@AsiaPrince_JKS 저 여자로 말할것 같으면 근짱의 마마
Mama! Long time no see!(Choi chulho music director tweet)
ㅡ Mr. Chulho , you are papa

translation credit: Angelnunhwa ‏and NightFlight 

[PHOTO] Jang Keun Suk the ‘Choco Prince’ returns to Korea

Asia Prince Jang Keun Suk has returned from China after his promotional event. Fans were surprised to see Jang Keun Suk at the Airport today. Why? He returns as Choco Prince!!

Jang Keun Suk was seen eating a chocolate when he was in the airport!! His cool look in shorts with a choco bar in hand gave the appearance of a small kid who enjoys travelling. Was it given by a fan Prince?

Here are some shots of Choco Prince and his airport fashion today in Beijing and Seoul!!

Photo credit as tagged

Jang Keun Suk unleashes ‘Just Crazy’ mania in Japan

Asia Prince recently released his debut album “Just Crazy” in Japan which was an instant hit claiming number 1 spot on the Oricon chart on its first day.

What did Asia Prince exactly do for this success?

On looking at Japan one could only claim that Japan has met with a frenzy for “Just Crazy”.
There have been promotional posters,bill boards,TV advertisements etc throughout Japan. Some of the gigantic billboards have amazed people and thus shows the extent of mania which Jang Keun Suk has subjected Japan to.

One of the major achievements by Jang was garnering 284,083 views in the live nico nico screening of his album and its making for 24 hours. The show also got  394,598 comments and was a huge success.
Another amazing feat performed by Jang Keun Suk was the establishment of a ‘Just Crazy’ personalized Cafe. A Chinese restaurant “Blue Dragon” situated in Tokyo has been completely transformed into Just Crazy Cafe. The menus have been personalized to include dishes denoting the album’s songs. There are life-size posters,pictures of Jang Keun Suk and Just Crazy songs are being continuously played. Fans can enjoy their meal while listening to Asia Prince singing his new album.

Reportedly Asia Prince himself visited this cafe today and signed a cute personal message for fans which says “kira-kira” meaning “twinkle twinkle”.

After conquering Japan’s cyber world Jang also released his power into the real world.

Indeed the new Just Crazy cafe has been a great success where fans of Asia Prince gathered to enjoy their meal along with the album.
Here is a video of this famous cafe..

Following this huge marketing Just Crazy can be claimed a success based on Oricon ranking and also the pre-order sales. It hasn’t even been a week since Jang’s album has been on the shelf. What more success will it reap?

Here are photos of Just Crazy mania in Japan.


Netizens commented on seeing Just Crazy promotions and success,

Wow!! Japan itself looks lik Asia Prince’s fanclub 
What huge posters of Sukkie!! 
Asia Prince daebak for a huge success. 
Loved the songs in Just Crazy.. JKS has improved a lot! 

Source of photos: JKSForever
Credit of translation: tomoe1117