Thursday, August 16, 2012

#SummerSonicTeamH Trending Event

[TRENDING EVENT] Eels~ Let's cheer again for Team H in this Summer Sonic Event :) Let's make it trend again worldwide^^

credit: theEelsFamily

[NEWS] DVD “You’re My Pet” premium event in Japan will be released

credit: tenshi_akuma

Before I posted my Fan Account of this event (actually I attended the live show from a movie theater), this DVD will be released on October 2nd. This DVD includes 60 minutes BTS, too.

You can see some scenes of the DVD. You can access these videos below from here, too.
Credits: Bosquissimo
Part1: Entrance to Japan

Part2: Arrives at Kyocera Dome for rehearsal (The cast except JKS looks nervous. JKS said “hi!” to child dancers)


Part4: JKS’ first meal after arrival in Japan (JKS looks tired… *sigh)

Part5: Rehearsal

Part6: IV and no make-up face (We can’t even glimpse this scene in advance… T_T)
Part7: Make up to transform Momo (JKS is writing a love letter to Master)

Part8: Stand by for the event

Part9: Interview after the event

Part10: RYU TAE JOON’s drum perfomance

Part11: Battle2 (declaration their love in Japanese) between JKS and RYU TAE JOON

Credits: 小川彌生/講談社 production LUDENS/KJ-net via Jang Keun Suk Forever + tenshi_akuma
Official Website:
Photos source:

“Love Rain” shooting map of Furano & Asahikawa, Hokkaido

“Love Rain” shooting map in Furano & Asahikawa, Hokkaido was just released! You can download the map from here. (I’m sorry they are written in Korean and Japanese.)
Official website:

credit: tenshi_akuma (Japan) + Jang Keun Suk Forever
Credits: Furano sightseeing organization

[TWITTER] 8/15/2012 Jang Keun Suk Twitter Update

President……. not the one in pants kkkkk
사장…….바지사장아님 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Credit: Jang Keun Suk Forever