Wednesday, May 2, 2012

[TWITTER & WEIBO UPDATE] 5/2/2012 @ AsiaPrince_JKS

trans: @sa_sha26
weibo* #JKSTweet Translation: Good morning children~~~~ I am getting ready to go to work, faster get up, thank god!!!!

Translation from Sukbar + Sarah Ye: I took Coffee from fans on site, so cool, but is not Cafebene... -_-


  • @AsiaPrince_JKS: 맛있지 . 카페베네 ...ㅋ”ㅡ나 이런사람이야..일본에도 카페베네가 생긴다면..??

  • trans: @sa_sha26 worried MJ about something to do with Do S (the car)

  • JangKeunSuk 장근석@AsiaPrince_JKS 안녕하세요 카페베네님아~~ 올 여름 근짱과 장어들에게 추천해주고싶은 아이스메뉴가 있다면...?ぐんちゃんとうなぎたちにおすすめしたいな夏のメニューは?                                                                              *rans by @sa_sha26:  #JKSTweet Translation: Hello Mr. CaffeeBene~~ this summer, what ice menu recommended for Gun-chan and Eels...? *

  • JangKeunSuk 장근석@AsiaPrince_JKS ㄴ ㅑ!!트리제이!!점심시간에 졸지말고 일할것!!                                                                                                                         *trans by @sa_sha26: Translation: Nyaa!! Tree-J!!! Don't sleep during lunch hour, do work!!

  • JangKeunSuk 장근석@AsiaPrince_JKS Zegda구나...-_-;; 미 미안                                           *google trans: See ...-_-; the U.S. I'm sorry *

  • JangKeunSuk 장근석@AsiaPrince_JKS 서준의 새로운 헤어스타일에 대한 견해가 궁금합니다!!                                                                                                                        
  • google trans: Opinion about the new hairstyle seojun wonder!*
  • JangKeunSuk 장근석@AsiaPrince_JKS: “: 핑크자켓은 사랑입니다. 제마음 모르시겠어요?”.- 아버지.전 싫어요!!...핑크..”ㅡ놔! 이거놔!쥬니!(특유)                                                                                                                              
  •  *trans by @sa_sha26: : “@: “@: I love Pink Jacket. You don't know my heart?". - Dad. I hate it!!!.. Pink" Let go! Let go of my son! *


 @AsiaPrince_JKS: @sh28500 :What do you think about the rumor 'grandmother's hair'? Are you used to be friendly with your grandmother ?maternal grandmother? paternal grandmother? Answer me!(to his hair stylist)


 @AsiaPrince_JKS: “@sh28500: @AsiaPrince_JKS:  What! Grandmother's hairstyle?
How classical and elegant the hairstyle is!


@AsiaPrince_JKS: @codescombineluv: Dear lovely codescombine~ How about giving us team uniforms for the staffs who sweat a lot on a very hot day~? 


@AsiaPrince_JKS: @codescombineluv 말똥말똥 means 'with eyes widely and clearly open' (JKS is waiting codescombine's answer..kkk)


@codescombineluv: @AsiaPrince_JKS: I am just a small employee...if you come to codescombine shop, we will give you anything you want! Anyway...we have already given you many clothes of ours...will you show them on TV, won't you?


@codescombineluv: @AsiaPrince_JKS: @codescombineluv: What can I react? (written in the photo ....'JKS had a mental shock'...kkk


@codescombineluv: @AsiaPrince_JKS : Yes, yes. we will! You are an Asia Prince!!


@AsiaPrince_JKS: “@codescombineluv: "What can I react?" - The manager called me directly to give us uniforms! I succeeded to bring team uniforms! I am Keunjjang !!! Hahahaha !!!


@AsiaPrince_JKS: “@codescombineluv: @AsiaPrince_JKS: "Yes,yes....we will!! You are Asia Prince!" - Thank you for your late answer. kkk.. I love Codescombine!!



  • *trans by Sasha ★@sa_sha26 : what you're having for lunch? CaffeBene? Zegda? Codescombine? Tongyi Juice? LOOL..*

  • 현재의 소감이 궁금합니다 MJ*                                        *trans bySasha ★@sa_sha26 : Translation: MJ, I'm curious about your feelings.

  • #JKSTweet : “@: 현재의 소감이 궁금합니다 MJ” 앞으로 더 열심히 살아야할 것 같네요.                                                                                  *trans by Sa_sha26: Translation: I'll have to do better in the future, I think. *

  • : 6회 서준의 핑크색 쟈켓에 대해서 어찌 생각하십니까? #JKSTweet                                                                                                                            *Translation by @Sa_sha26: : What do you think about Seo Jun's pink jacket in episode 6? *

  •  : “@: 장근석 씨의 몸은 괜찮아? MJ도 괜찮아? 군 짱보고 싶은하세요 ~!”ㅡMJ 안괜찮아                         *Translation by @sa_sha26:Mr. Jang Keun Suk, if your body feeling better now? MJ also feels better now? I miss Gun-Chan~! - MJ is not well.
  • RT : “@: 핑크자켓은 사랑입니다. 제마음 모르시겠어요?”ㅡ모르겠고 역시 공격하라 장어들아!!!                                                             
  • *trans by @sa_sha26: I love the pink jacket. You don't know my heart?" - Maybe I don't know. Attack her eels!!!!

  • TranslationSasha ★@sa_sha26  : : Because I am bored..

  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    @AsiaPrice_JKS: @HyungJun87:Waiting for shooting. Completely campy. ㅡme also..

    • 뚜둥!!!! 대인배 카페베네의 위엄!!!! ごれがカフェベネだ!!さすが!
    • Translation by @sa_sha26 :  Dong dong!!! The power of big company,Caffebene!!! 

    trans by‏ @sa_sha26 : Relieved Gun-chan... 



    •   카페베네에서 장근석 고객님의 소원을 성취해주셨습니다. 시원한 커피를 제공해주신 카페베네에게 감사드립니다^^
    • Translation by @sa_sha26:  Jang Keun Suk's wishes fulfilled at Caffebene. Thank you for providing a cooling coffee, CaffeBene.

    Prince wih Caffebene staff

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