Friday, September 21, 2012

[TWITTER] 9/17/2012 Tree-J staff & dancer twitter update

Just for information, the earlier video with LMFAO on JKS official YouTube channel drew attention as getting more than 410,000 viewers… So for MV “STAY” we are targeting for 500,000 viewers. You’ll see a new look of Actor Jang in MV “Abracadabra”. Let’s give Prince the 500,000 viewings as a gift~
참고로, 엘엠에프에이오와 찍은 유툽 영상이 장근석 공식 유투브 채널에서 41만을 넘게 찍어서 화제가 되었던적이,,, 그러기에 스테이도 우리 50만을 찍어보아요. 아브라카다브라에서는 장배우의 새로운 모습을 볼 수 있답니다. 50만을 프린스에게 선물로~

It’s another sunny day. (>_<) Eating gummy candy, I start my morning with MV "STAY". The photo was taken on the set of MV "STAY". Director Shimada Daisuke & Actor Jang Keun Suk.
今日もいい天気(>_<) グミを食べて STAY MVで始める朝 사진은 MV촬영현장 시마다 다이스케 감독님 & 장배우

Keun-Suk sports festival was over~~!!! Eating time from now~~~~~~ ^^
근석이 Cri – show 배 운동회 끝~~!!! ㅎ 이제 먹자~~~~~~^^

Eel: Which team won?
Dancer: Dancer & Session & Staff team won. kkkkk Keun-Suk team lost. kkkk
어느팀이 이겼나요? ㅋ RT @movejm: 근석이 Cri – show 배 운동회 끝~~!!! ㅎ 이제 먹자~~~~~~^^
@orangq 댄서&세션&스텝 팀이이겼어여 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 근석이팀 졌음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

We had a really great time today at the first “CRI SHOW CUP Sports Festival”! Even I who don’t like going out shouted “Exciting!!!!!!” repeatedly!!!! I was given “the best cheering” award! I’m hoarse. kkkk
오늘 정말 즐거웠다! 제 1회 크리쇼배 체육대회 외출을 싫어하는 나조차도 계속 “재밌어!!!!!!” 연발!!!! 나는 “최고응원상”을 받았다! 목이 다 쉬었어 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

It was a big festival that all the members of Tree-J, Frau, HS show production team, Band, Dancer and choreographer team joined. ― Needless to say, it was planned by Actor Jang! At first, I thought “What’s this about?”, but after joining the event, everyone came to enjoy it and finally became enthusiastic!! ― So funny.
트리제이, 프라우, HS 공연연출팀, 밴드, 안무팀 모두가 참가한 대규모 단합대회 ㅡ 물론 제안은 장배우가 한 것! 처음엔 “이게 뭔 일?” 했지만 함께 하는 동안 모두 신나서 열광모드!! ㅡ 아- 진짜웃겨

Kurt came to Osaka for playing soccer! Despite his crowded schedule, once Keun-chan asks him, he hurries up to Osaka. He’s such a loyal man to friends! He achieved great results today!!
축구하러 오사카에 온 Kurt! 바쁜 와중에도 근짱이 부르면 달려와주는 의리의 남자! 오늘 대 활약!!

Today’s sports festival was planned by Prince! This sports festival was planned for the staff who is getting tired in the second half of CRI SHOW2 on a tight schedule! Even tired staff did their best and enjoyed the sports festibal! Just for information, Keun-chan participated in all the games!!!! Physical strength deserves to be World Prince!
오늘의 체육대회는 프린스의 아이디어! 하반기 크리쇼의 빡빡한 일정속에, 지쳐가는 스텝들을 위해서 단합대회 체육대회! 힘든 스텝들도, 모두 최선을 다하며, 즐겼던 체육대회! 참고로, 근짱은 모든 경기 다 참여!!!! 체력도 월드 프린스!

And our Prince asked the staff who had pain to go back to the hotel soon and apply a compress. T_T He takes care of us to the end…! T_T We staff were moved in various ways today.
그리고, 아픈 스텝들 보고, 언넝 호텔로 돌아가서 얼음 찜질하라는 우리 프린스 ㅠㅠ 끝까지 챙겨주는 프린스…! ㅠ 오늘 이래저래 스텝들이 감동 많이 받는다.

Sometimes,,,, no,,, frequently, I feel he is really an amazing guy to hit upon such an idea despite of a tight schedule. The sick today can overcome the pain with emotion,,, There is no reason. Just I always thank you, our Prince…! 가끔은, 아니,,,, 자주,,, 어쩌면 바쁜 이런 스케쥴속에서도 이런 생각을 하 는지, 참 대단한 사람이라는걸 느낀다. 오늘의 병자는 그 감동으로 아픔을 이 겨낼듯,,, 그냥 정말 아무 이유없이,,, 매번 감사합니다. 우리 프린스…!

It’s absolutely amazing, but he takes care of the staff, then, takes care of eels and update Apps. Oh, his love to eels is embarrassing ^^ 참, 근데 돋는게,,, 스텝들 챙기고, 장어들 챙긴다고 어플 울려준다. 아,,, 정말 못말리는 장어사랑^^

Today Prince seemed to be blessed by God of sports. Solo lead of individual match three-legged race! He was leaping like a kangaroo and won the first prize! Soccer assist. He threw a ball to the opponent like a dodge ball king, bababang! God of Jokgu (Football tennis ball sports) and the last relay,,, He is truly God of sports, Prince!
오늘 프린스는 운동의 신이 붙은거 같았다. 개인전 2인 3각 경기에서 단독 1 위! 캥거루처럼 폴짝 폴짝 뛰면서 1위로 상금득템! 축구 어시스트, 피구왕 통 키인지, 안에 사람들 다 빠바방! 족구의 신, 마지막 계주까지,,, 진짜 운동의 신 프린스!
tenshi_akuma’s note: Jokgu is a Korean sport which combines aspects of volleyball and football (soccer). It’s sometimes translated as Football tennis ball sports. For more detail, see this website.

Jokgu, dodge ball, tug-of-war, three-legged race and relay… Prince participated in all! You are recoginzed as the best ^^
족구, 피구, 줄다리기, 축구, 2인 3각, 계주 모두 참여한 프린스! 진짜 당신을 최고로 인정합니다^^

Captain, Kim Yonghyun’s quote of the day “Fire youth!!”
김용현 단장님의 명언 “젊음을 불 살라라!!”

Credit: tenshi_akuma (Japan)@ Jang Keun Suk Forever

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