Saturday, July 14, 2012

[TWITTER] 7/13/2012 Jang Keun Suk 'New York Herald Tribune' Twitter Update

Reporters in Seoul, I will shout 'New York Herald Tribune' holding a bottle in a hand and newspaper in another hand, you should write a news about that rapidly! Don't fall asleep!!!
서울에 계신 기자님들 제가 오늘 밤에 한손에는 와인병을 한손에는신문지를 들고 뉴욕 헤럴드 트리뷴을 외칠건데 기사 스피디하게 써주셔야 합니다! 잠들지 말아욧! 

 Eels abroad, do you know this? About 4years ago, JKS had a mini homepage in Cyworld. And then he wrote "If I can go to Paris again, I will shout New York Herald Tribune in Champs-Elysees street with a wine in a hand and a newspaper in another hand." And people made fun of him about that.They said he was bluffing. Too many people said bad things to him and he was tormented and we Korean eels were very very sad. Acturally he was not bluffing at all. He just quoted a scene of Jean-Luc Godard's famouse movie "A bout de souffle". But people didn't know the movie, and teased him that he was bluffing about things he didn't know well. And they teased all his writing in his cyworld. They said he always saying metaphysical words. So JKS could not help closing the mini homepage. But he overcomed all of them and became Asia Prince!! Now JKS will shout to the people who had been teasing him. He was not bluffing. He was always saying the truth.
cr: Angelnunwha

The sun set here...about is about 4~5am in Korea. Set alarm and sleep, Korean eels ! kkk
여기 해가 아홉시쯤 지니까 새벽 네다섯시나 되야 가능하겠군 걍 알람 맞추고 자 ㅋㅋ

I will resolve my deep sorrow keeping about 5years... I have no intention of fighting against the world...I just want to overcome myself...New York Herald Tribune!!!!
근 5년동안의 한을 풀 것이야...세상과 싸우겠다는게아니야 그냥 내가 나를 넘어서고 싶을 뿐...뉴욕 헤럴드 트리뷴...!!

I know...when some people was making me a fool, some people was crying with me and cheering me the time I can resolve the sorrow, the heaven is crying, too...I brought a white pink zikzin bag sample...the heaven is crying....
 하긴 누군가들은 실컷 비웃으며 나 하나 바보 만들고 있을 때 누군가들은 나와 함께 울어주고 나에게 응원을 해 줬지..그 한을 풀려고 하니 하늘도 우는구나..화이트 핑크 직진백 샘플 갖고나왔는데...하늘이 우는구나..

A..A...I am clearing my throat and practicing........shit...I don't think the rain will stop...shall I go now?
아 아 목 가다듬으며 발음 연습중..아씨 비 안그칠것 같은데 걍 갈까...??

I can't wait anymore!! Raining or not, I feel my blood boiling!! I go to Champs Elysees!!!!!! 
못참겠다 비 거 오건 나발이건 피가 끓는다 allons aux champs elysees!!!!!

I can see the goal! Eels!! Be enthusiastic !!!! 
Ah! right! I have to find wine and a newspaper......
고지가 보인다!!!! 장어들아!!! 열광하라!!!!
아맞다 신문이랑 와인병구해야지-_-

Go !!!!! 

first, a photo!!!!
I resolve my deep sorrow for 4 years!
eels, be excited!!!!
일단 사진부터!!! 4년 동안의 한이 풀 린 다
열 광 하 라 !!!!

Eels who supported me for 4years!!!
I love you!!!
4년동안 응원해준 장어들아!! 사랑한다!!!
Paris je t aime!

 New York Herald Tribune!!! Jo!!!!!! (eels, say zikzin!!!kkk) 
뉴욕 헤럴드 트리뷴!!! 쬬!!!!

You want video, too?haha 
동영상도 원하는가 ㅋㅋ

I love you, eels~ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
I am crying and the heaven crying, too.ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 
사랑해요 장어들아 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ나도 울고 하늘도 우는구나 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

OK that's it!!! I am hungry!!! Kwalla gogo~~!!! Good night~!!!!
아 몰라 배고파 꽐라고고!!!! 즐잠~!!!!!

Credit: @AsiaPrince_JKS
Translation credit: Angelnunhwa@skthtj

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